97% of people experience this at one point in their lives…

Pain is inevitable especially LOW BACK PAIN, at least that’s what the statistics are saying. Here are some important stats for you to consider when it comes to Low Back Pain:

Here are some statistics related to low back pain:

  1. Prevalence:

    • According to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017, low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide.

    • It's estimated that around 80% of people will experience low back pain at some point in their lives.

  2. Impact:

    • Low back pain can significantly impact a person's quality of life, leading to limitations in daily activities, reduced productivity at work, and emotional distress.

    • It is one of the most common reasons for missed workdays and visits to healthcare providers.

  3. Risk Factors:

    • Risk factors for developing low back pain include age, lack of physical activity, poor posture, obesity, smoking, and certain occupations that involve heavy lifting or repetitive movements.

  4. Economic Burden:

    • Low back pain poses a substantial economic burden on healthcare systems and individuals. It leads to high healthcare costs, including medical treatments, rehabilitation, and lost productivity.

  5. Treatment:

    • Treatment for low back pain varies and may include physical therapy, medications, lifestyle modifications, exercise, and in severe cases, surgery.

    • However, the effectiveness of treatments can vary based on the cause and severity of the pain.

  6. Chronicity:

    • While many cases of low back pain resolve within a few weeks with proper treatment and self-care, some individuals experience chronic low back pain that lasts for months or even years.

In light of these stats, low back pain continues to be solved via SHORT TERM SOLUTIONS vs. looking at the LONG TERM EFFECTS & IMPACT.
Do you want low back pain again and again?
Do you want to get to the source of low back pain?
REST, ICE, PAIN MEDS are NOT your solution

Long term solutions are unconventional and cannot be treated via conventional treatment approaches. Low Back Pain is a LOCAL issue that requires a GLOBAL, full body approach to treatment.


Sciatica & what it’s saying to you


Your Neck Pain is your Back Pain is your Knee Pain